简介: Season 3 1. The Tales of the Seven Keys 2. Heroes and Morons 3. The Losses of Magic 4. Be the Penny 5. A Life in the Day 6. Do You Like Teeth? 7. Poached Eggs 8. Six Short Stories About Magic 9. All That Josh 10. The Art of the Deal 11. Twenty-Three 12. The Fillorian Candidate 13. Will You Play With Me? Read more: https://www.springfieldspringfield.co.uk/episode_scripts.php?tv-show=the-magicians-2016&season=3
丹尼·麦克布莱德/约翰·古德曼/约书亚·米克尔/亚当·德维尼/卡西迪·弗里曼/艾迪·帕特森/肯特·绍克内克/沃尔顿·戈金斯/托尼·卡瓦勒罗/安德莉亚·鲍威尔/托比·哈斯/瓦琳·霍尔/詹姆斯·杜蒙特/玛拉·马普勒斯/杰德·佩蒂约翰/玛丽·克拉夫特/克洛伊·特埃考丝/格雷戈里·艾伦·威廉斯/Kelton DuMont/Gavin Munn/Charles D. Clark/Troy Anthony Hogan/Mary Hollis Inboden/Christopher Ross/Keith D Doole/