简介: Mats Steen, a Norwegian gamer, died of a degenerative muscular disease at the age of 25. His parents mourned what they thought had been a lonely and isolated life, when they started receiving messages from online friends around the world.
克里斯托弗·里夫///约翰尼·卡森///比尔·克林顿///希拉里·罗德姆·克林顿///格伦·克洛斯///杰夫·丹尼尔斯///理查德·唐纳// Brooke Ellison / Gae Exton / Alexandra Reeve Givens //乌比·戈德堡// Laurie Hawkins //约翰·豪斯曼// Barbara Johnson / Kevin Johnson //约翰·克里// Steven Kirshblum / Michael Manganiello //巴拉克·奥巴马///丹娜/