简介: Released in 1995, Paul Verhoeven's Showgirls was met by critics and audiences with near universal derision. You Don't Nomi traces the film's redemptive journey from notorious flop to cult classic, and maybe even masterpiece.
克里斯托弗·里夫///约翰尼·卡森///比尔·克林顿///希拉里·罗德姆·克林顿///格伦·克洛斯///杰夫·丹尼尔斯///理查德·唐纳// Brooke Ellison / Gae Exton / Alexandra Reeve Givens //乌比·戈德堡// Laurie Hawkins //约翰·豪斯曼// Barbara Johnson / Kevin Johnson //约翰·克里// Steven Kirshblum / Michael Manganiello //巴拉克·奥巴马///丹娜/