电影 伊卡罗斯
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  • 片名:伊卡罗斯
  • 状态:HD
  • 主演:杜夫·龙格尔/StefanievonPfetten/萨曼莎·费里斯/大卫·刘易斯/林赛·麦克斯维尔/JohnTench/博·史文森/KatelynMager/莫妮卡·甘德顿/SlaviSlavov/StephenChang/IgorMorozov/麦克·卡朋特/MarianKoprada/ChantalForde/
  • 导演:杜夫·龙格尔/
  • 年份:2010
  • 地区:美国,加拿大
  • 类型:剧情/
  • 时长:内详
  • 上映:未知
  • 语言:英语
  • 更新:2023-11-20 02:16
  • 简介:“伊卡罗斯”是龙格尔所扮演的杀手的代号,只有部分人知道伊卡洛斯这个代号,而其他人只知道他是个已经离婚的单身父亲,工作在一家投资公司。大多数人都没有看到伊卡罗斯的阴暗面,他总是在杀人时表现最佳。多年来他以潜伏特工的秘密电影身份工作在美国,但当其苏维埃祖国解体后,他感到孤立无援。他试图摆脱过去,但有些人不能放过他。伊卡罗斯只好为了家庭妻儿,开始搏杀。   There were those who called him Icarus. Everyone else knew him as a divorced father working for an investment company. But they didn't know his other side-his dark side. Because Icarus was at his best when he was killing people. For years, he'd worked as a sleeper agent in America-but when the Soviet Empire collapsed, he found himself in a foreign country with no one to trust. Determined to break from his dark past, he started over with a new identity. But you can only escape your past for so long. When a sudden mishap in Hong Kong blows Icarus' identity, past and present collide - and the assassin realizes he is now the target. The people that want him dead will stop at nothing to get to him. And that means going after what he cares about most-his wife and daughter. Fighting for his life, Icarus is forced to face the demons of his past to protect the loved ones in his present. He must fight to save the only thing he's ever done right in his life. He needs to uncover who is after him and protect his family - before it's too late.
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“伊卡罗斯”是龙格尔所扮演的杀手的代号,只有部分人知道伊卡洛斯这个代号,而其他人只知道他是个已经离婚的单身父亲,工作在一家投资公司。大多数人都没有看到伊卡罗斯的阴暗面,他总是在杀人时表现最佳。多年来他以潜伏特工的秘密电影身份工作在美国,但当其苏维埃祖国解体后,他感到孤立无援。他试图摆脱过去,但有些人不能放过他。伊卡罗斯只好为了家庭妻儿,开始搏杀。   There were those who called him Icarus. Everyone else knew him as a divorced father working for an investment company. But they didn't know his other side-his dark side. Because Icarus was at his best when he was killing people. For years, he'd worked as a sleeper agent in America-but when the Soviet Empire collapsed, he found himself in a foreign country with no one to trust. Determined to break from his dark past, he started over with a new identity. But you can only escape your past for so long. When a sudden mishap in Hong Kong blows Icarus' identity, past and present collide - and the assassin realizes he is now the target. The people that want him dead will stop at nothing to get to him. And that means going after what he cares about most-his wife and daughter. Fighting for his life, Icarus is forced to face the demons of his past to protect the loved ones in his present. He must fight to save the only thing he's ever done right in his life. He needs to uncover who is after him and protect his family - before it's too late.


  • 正片
    2.0 马洋/张欣/李雨婷/李梦洁/
  • 正片
    8.0 萨布丽娜·奥扎尼/奥利维亚·科特/菲利普·巴斯/
  • HD
    3.0 布尔库·比里奇克/ Pinar Deniz/ Aras Aydin//巴莎克·达什曼//伊尔达姆.阿克格/ Nezaket Erden/ Gökay Müftüoglu/ Sabahattin Yakut/ Esref Seyitoglu/ Veli Kiliç/
  • 正片
    9.0 Ajay Devgn/Diana Penty/Rasha Thadani/
  • 正片
    1.0 萨玛拉·维文/埃里克·迪恩/雷·尼科尔森/吉米·费尔斯/阿尔芭·巴普蒂斯塔/凯瑟琳·拉夫·哈格奎斯特/帕特里克·考克斯/Terence Kelly/马修·德尔·贝尔·贝鲁兹/比利·马格努森/Yasmeen Kelders/
  • 正片
    3.0 能年玲奈/田中圭/泷藤贤一/田中美奈实/服部树咲/高石明里/桥本爱/寺辻健一郎/光石研/若村麻由美/
  • HD
    7.0 Mandy Beisel/Ray Breen/Raine Brown/
  • 正片
    1.0 约瑟夫·米尔森/萨拉·亚历山德拉·马克斯/蒂芙妮·汉纳姆·丹尼尔斯/戴维·韦曼/Ella Starbuck/Louis James/
  • HD
    5.0 玛丽-皮埃尔·卡斯特尔/Mireille Dargent/
  • 第1集
    4.0 哈里森·福特/海伦·米伦/布兰登·斯克莱纳/Rowdy Knight/詹妮弗·卡朋特/Mathieu Caviness/Demetrius Joseph/达伦·曼恩/Ernest Marsh/Duane Michaels/詹妮特·蒙哥马利/Bob Pack/奥古斯图斯·珀如/Daniella M Reyes/塞巴斯蒂安·罗奇/Santana Trigo/丹尼尔·瓦斯诺娃/佩蒂·布林德利/Ross Caudill Jr./克里斯托弗·科森/
  • HD
    4.0 小林裕介/江口拓也/
  • 正片
    8.0 阿里·伊尔汉姆/桑德琳娜·米歇尔/Christian Sugiono/
  • 正片
    9.0 恩里克·克兰东尼/明迪·科恩/梅兰妮·利什曼/查德·康奈尔/Sharron Matthews/Juan Chioran/Izad Etemadi/Matthew G. Brown/Iain Stewart/
  • HD
    1.0 劳拉·巴苏基/普特里·马里诺/
  • 正片
    6.0 罗伯特·卡辛斯基/皮特·杰森/弗罗伦丝·费佛瑞/道格拉斯·斯派恩/艾琳·迪茨/
  • 正片
    5.0 斯瓦卡蒂恩/拉库尔·普雷特·辛格/约吉·巴布/沙拉德·凯卡尔/爱莎·考佩卡/Bhanupriya/Bala Saravanan/Karunakaran/
  • HD
    3.0 马提亚斯·施维赫夫/弗洛里安·大卫·菲茨/赖纳·博克/拉斯·多普勒/安德亚斯·杜伯斯/杰克·希尔/亚历山德拉·玛丽亚·拉娜/弗莱德雷克·林克曼/罗伯特·尼基施/卡洛琳·拉普/罗比特·舒阿普/塔蒂娅·赛布特/玛丽亚·沃斯/
  • HD
    4.0 郑在泳/朴施厚/曹恩智/赵达焕/闵智雅/
  • HD
    8.0 艾德里安·布洛迪/托弗·戈瑞斯/艾莉丝·布拉加/沃尔顿·戈金斯/欧勒格·塔克塔罗夫/劳伦斯·菲什伯恩/丹尼·特雷霍/路易斯·小泽·张简/马赫沙拉·阿里/欧文·凯里·琼斯/布莱恩·斯蒂尔/德里克·梅耶斯/Aaron Richardson/
  • HD
    8.0 凯特·贝金赛尔/西奥·詹姆斯/托比亚斯·门基斯/劳拉·普沃/查尔斯·丹斯/詹姆斯·福克纳/彼得·安德森/布莱德利·詹姆斯/黛茜·海德/
  • HD
    4.0 欧豪/张译/余男/郭晓东/刘天佐/郭姝彤/周一围/王奕权/陈梓童/刘陆/辛芷蕾/曹可凡/
  • HD
    8.0 周笔畅/阿牛/欧弟/
  • HD
    4.0 马特·狄龙/艾妲·弗尔奇/胡安·帕布罗·乌雷戈/基卡·乔治奥/Polydoros Vogiatzis/安西·安德烈奥普卢/Vassilis Halakatevakis/Marina Argyropoulou/科斯塔斯·安达洛普洛斯/
  • 正片
    3.0 康格娜·拉瑙特/阿努潘·凯尔/普米卡·查瓦拉/萨提许·卡素吉/米林德·索曼/玛希玛·乔杜里/施瑞亚斯·塔尔帕德/斯科特·亚历山大·杨/R·巴克提·克莱因/克里斯托夫·吉贝/Adhir Bhat/Mannveer Choudharry/Ashok Chhabra/Manoj Singh Kaira/Alok Gagdekar/Mrinal Roy/
  • HD
    7.0 卢克·大卫·布鲁姆/凯特琳·菲茨杰拉德/保罗·斯帕克斯/贝茨·怀尔德/伊桑·斯莱特/Griffin Wallace Henkel/Mason Cufari/Matthew Sean Blumm/Robert Loftus/Tyler Magnis/韦恩·派尔/Elijah George/Bea Soong/Laurent Rejto/Mackenzie S. Stevens/Nancy Marie Nicosia/
  • 正片
    5.0 吉娜·格申/约翰·特拉沃尔塔/卢卡斯·哈斯/凯莉·格蕾森/娜塔莉·由拉/乔尔·科恩/丹尼尔·路易斯·里瓦斯/Demián Castro/Danny Pardo/Abigail Spear/
  • 正片
    6.0 吉娜·格申/约翰·特拉沃尔塔/卢卡斯·哈斯/凯莉·格蕾森/娜塔莉·由拉/乔尔·科恩/丹尼尔·路易斯·里瓦斯/Demián Castro/Danny Pardo/Abigail Spear/
  • HD
    8.0 妮娜·杜波夫/欧阳万成/达伦·巴内特/洛奇林·莫罗/岑勇康/米凯拉·霍沃/丽贝卡·斯塔巴/马蒂·芬诺乔/詹姆斯·斋藤/C.恩斯特·哈斯/贾斯汀·沃林顿/肖恩·德伯纳/塔卡尤·费舍尔/迪恩·彼得里夫/帕特里克·罗卡斯/梅尔·塔克/Alexandra Lainfiesta/Andy Nez/Darien Martin/
  • 正片
    3.0 Febby Rastanty/奥卡·安塔拉/Ashira Zamita/
  • HD
    6.0 裘德·希尔/凯特瑞娜·巴尔夫/詹米·多南/朱迪·丹奇/塞伦·希德/科林·摩根/刘易斯·麦卡斯基/乔西·沃克/弗蕾娅·耶茨/内萨·埃里克森/查理·巴纳德/弗兰基·黑斯廷斯/马伊雷德·泰尔斯/卡奥兰·麦卡锡/小伊恩·邓尼特/迈克尔·马罗尼/罗拉·麦克唐纳/艾莉·康德伦/图尔洛夫·科维里/杰拉德·霍兰/康纳·麦克尼尔/约翰·塞森斯/马克·哈德菲尔德/克莱尔·阿什顿/萨克·霍兰/欧拉·麦克唐纳/



